I did a TON of yard work this month. I was outside just as much as I possibly could. Even when the black-files came out, I was still out and about, getting eaten alive. There was one thing that slowed me down for the weekend though:

Noooo thank you. I am not a snake fan!
This month I got my photos back from a boudoir shoot that I did with the wonderful Haley! She was amazingly supportive though my entire photoshoot and made it an absolute blast. Check her out on Instagram: @boudoirbyhaley.
Every time my husband walks into the room where we have this metal print hung up, he says, “Woah! What a babe!”

This month I also ordered a few stickers. These are so on brand for me it’s ridiculous! These are from @_espiart. And shout-out to Cassie (@ctrlaltcassie) for putting these on my radar!

Toward the middle of the month, my chiropractor told me I sprained my hip. The only thing I can think of that could have resulted in that injury is doing all that yard work, or potentially when I was ripping down vines using my full body weight & swinging around…. I feel like I’ve unlocked a new #thisisthirty trophy from this. Ha!
Alex and I also finally made it to Donut Love! They make donuts from a potato base. We got 6 of them to try and they were all amazing!

With the warmer weather, I planted my flower boxes and replaced our door mat with this beauty that makes me sing Nirvana every time I come and go:

There were a few bummers for the month, but luckily nothing too major. *knocks on wood*
The first was that our AC broke down and we found out that we need to replace it… It was down during a New Hampshire heat wave that was very uncomfortable. I pass out if I get too warm, so I was nervous the whole time. Luckily, it got chilly over memorial day weekend and the house cooled back down. We’re waiting for the sales guy to come out next to show us our options for replacement.
I also got feedback from one of my doctors about the recent blood tests they did. Most of the tests were fine, but my thyroid levels are way too low now, which is very concerning where I’m off the meds they had me on. But form this, I was able to get my September endocrinology appointment moved up to next week! Another test came back in scary levels, which now has me heading off to another specialist… So we’ll see how that goes!
Then to top it off, I think one of my black fly bites got infected. I’m trying to give it a few more days before I call in for another appointment so I can treat it with Aquaphor. It’s starting to feel better, but doesn’t look better yet so we’ll see. I can never tell what’s just something healing vs what’s an infection…
But to close this out with something more positive, the biggest highlight of the month was that we welcomed our newest niece!! She is so precious!

Let’s dive in to the rest of my recap!
My Reading Breakdown for May:
- 5 Stars – 4
- 4 Stars – 2
- 3 Stars – 1
- 2 Stars – 0
- 1 Star – 0
- DNF – 0
Monthly Musings
Peninsula | 2020 Horror Film | Shudder | 4/5
WOW! This was such a fun and brutal film! I really enjoyed this one. But man, is it also emotional!
I’ll Be Gone In The Dark Series | True Crime Documentary | HBO Max | 5/5
Phew this series was so wonderfully done and so powerful. I loved that it really focused on the victims and their healing process, and of course, the amazing work done by Michelle McNamara. Of course, this case is extremely dark, but I highly recommend this one if you want to watch.
The Funeral Home | 2020 Horror Film | Shudder – 4/5
PHEW! This is one that you need to pay full attention to. It’s a bit slow, but it super unsettling and eerie. Once the action starts, it doesn’t stop! I definitely recommend checking this out!
The Staircase | 2004 True Crime Documentary Series | Netflix – 3/5
This was an interesting watch! It was just a bit too drawn out and repetitive for me, and I certainly wouldn’t watch it again. But the look at the case as it unfolded was terrifying to watch.
Psycho Goreman | 2020 Horror Film | Shudder – 4/5
Oh my goodness. This was so bizarre and so fun.
Tread | 2019 Crime Documentary | Youtube – 5/5
My goodness. This is quite the story! My husband came home one afternoon asking if I had heard of the “Killdozer.” I hadn’t, so he immediately pulled this documentary up. It’s about the man that went on a rampage in a bulldozer that he reinforced with metal, tearing up a town, getting revenge on those he believed had wronged him. GO WATCH THIS.
Castlevania Season 4 | Netflix Series – 5/5
I LOVED this season! After a god awful season three, we had very low hopes for this… But this one ruled! The action was NUTS and the storyline had us hooked.
The Sons of Sam: A Descent into Darkness | 2021 Netflix True Crime Documentary Series – 4/5
Phew this is quite the tale… I did feel like it dragged out a bit, but we enjoyed this overall. These poor victims and families that were impacted by this…
Army Of The Dead | 2021 Horror Film – 3/5
I had fun with this one! I think I need to watch again at some point… I was trying to multi-task. But my god, I hated seeing Theo Rossi as a the slime ball he played!
Blood Quantum | 2019 Horror Film | Shudder – 4/5
This was such an intense zombie film!! The ending felt a little abrupt to me, but this one had be on the edge of my seat!
Skull | 2020 Horror Film | Shudder – 3/5
The gore in this one… phew! As an indie film, I really enjoyed the work they did here! Some of it was pretty bizarre, but I was hooked!
I’m counting our walks as playtime because I have so much fun walking with my friend Morgan! We try to walk twice a week. This month, we discovered a beautiful train by a river!

To kick off the month, I got to pop into the tail end of a birthday brewery tour and had a really interesting lavender lemonade sour beer. Some of the proceeds for this one went to a great cause as well.

Later on, while with family, Alex and I had a Tipsy Mermaid. It was so tasty, but this really hit me HARD. I’m not sure if it was something else I had going on, or if this was just REALLY strong. I’m very glad I didn’t get a second. I would have been toast!

Popping in to a beer launch at Rockingham Brewing Company, I got to have one of my favorites that they brew. After that we headed to a second outdoor area for another beer from From The Barrel. It was AMAZING. It just may be my all time favorite sour! I want to go back to snag a growler of it sometime if they still have it!
Listening to:
I have been HOOKED on Fame On Fire this month! They have so many songs I’m just obsessed with. I haven’t heard a single one yet that I don’t like. I got to listen to this band a lot while doing yard work this month, and it definitely helped keep me going!
Little plug as well- I of course listened back to the episode of Dead Headspace that I guest hosted on. PHEW. My cheeks were just as sore from laughing and listening as they were when we recorded!
In the bookish community:
Elizabeth Olsen to Play Same Axe Murderer as Elisabeth Moss in ‘Love and Death’ on HBO Max!
Looking for a new bookmark? My friend Gabriella just launched an order form. Check out her designs here!
The Merrimack Valley Book Festival is on for October! I cannot wait to go and meet so many people in the bookish community that I’ve only talked to virtually!
Monthly bookish related haul:

My favorite bookish photos this month:

In case you missed it:
- Feature: Dead Headspace Guest Hosting Ft. Shane Hawk
- 3 June 2021 Book Releases I Can’t Wait To Read
- Interview with Mike Garley
- Interview with Joshua Marsella
- Kickstarter Project: Samurai Slasher
- [Wrap Up] April 2021
Looking forward to:
I have car appointments, contractor appointments, tailoring appointments, dry cleaning appointments, and medical appointments scattered all over our calendar, so this month is going to be a busy one… I’m trying to get as much done as possible before July though, because July will be even more busy!
This month, I’m also returning to the office for the first time since March of 2019. I’m nervous, but also looking forward to decorating my space again as the whole office has gone through major changes since last year.
Thanks for reading!
You know, I haven’t seen any snakes yet this season. I’ve got my eyes peeled to avoid those things!
Army of the Dead was pretty fun – I liked it more as a zombie action movie instead of as a heist movie.
I’m definitely adding The Funeral Home to my watch list. It sounds promising.
hahaha same! They’re no fun to stumble across. I’ve seen four snakes total, one in the yard, and three while out on walks with my friend Morgan… eek!
I hope you enjoy The Funeral Home!!
Aww, congrats on your niece! She’s beautiful! Love that walking trail, it looks so peaceful!
Oh gosh, sorry about your hip! I hope it’s feeling somewhat better or will be soon. I’m glad your Endo appointment was moved up and I hope that they figure some things out for you!!!!
Aw, your new niece is adorable. How fun you did a boudoir photo shoot – the metal print you have is gorgeous!
I hope being back in the office goes well and yes, definitely decorate that space!!
I’m curious about the Sons of Sam documentary on Netflix – need to check that one out. I did watch The Night Stalker one which was fascinating.
My hip and back feels better thanks to my chiro! I’m so glad I’m on a good schedule with him. And thank you! I was terrified to do the shoot, but I’m so glad I did!!
Thanks for the well wishes about the return to office. I hope it goes smoothly as well!
I think overall the Sons of Sam was just too slow, but it was interesting!!
That picture you put on the wall is BEAUTIFUL! I totally get your husbands comment 🙂
I always feel like living in The Netherlands is a bit boring and flat and all that, but I’m so glad that I’ve never seen a SNAKE in real life!
Thank you! <3 <3 UGH! Snakes are the worstttt! Them and spiders... no thanks!