The Clown: A Halloween Story by Kevin J. Kennedy weaves a story of teenage love intertwined with a bloodthirsty carnival, featuring scenes that are straight from the darkest of nightmares.
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The Clown: A Halloween Land Story by Kevin J. Kennedy | Book Review
The World You Loved by Brennan LaFaro | Book Review
IT’S HERE! The World You Loved by Brennan LaFaro! The conclusion to the Slattery Falls series is here! And my goodness, this one really dials up the intensity.
[Book Review] Noose by Brennan LaFaro
Noose by Brennan LaFaro is a gritty, gore-filled splatter western that is packed with action from the very first page. But something special that Brennan brings to the table with this genre, is that this book also has a lot of heart and emotion, and his main character isn’t afraid to show it.
[Novella Review] Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca is a novella about obsession and how far someone will go to get what they want. Set up as a case file that tracks the communication between two people, we see the initial innocent correspondence that quickly devolves into madness and obsession. Full disclosure:…