Into the Forest and all the Way Through by Cynthia Pelayo is an extraordinary and absolutely devastating read. In many books, TV shows, podcasts, and the like, true crime cases are spoken of in a way to entertain. Not these. These powers are pure raw emotion and horror.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Into the Forest and all the Way Through by Cynthia Pelayo –
My favorite thing about reading poetry is taking it slow and seeing how I feel after each one. In this collection, I knew I would be going through dark emotions. I found myself needing many breaks as some of the poems really sunk their teeth into me.
People always joke about why women love true crime so much and, to me, this collection portrays all the emotions that not only the victims and their loved ones feel, but also the emotions of women who hear of these experiences. We live on edge, on high alert in many situations that most men typically don’t have to be concerned with. The feeling readers will get after reading many of these poems has a similar level of dread and concern.
With each poem that is based on a real case, Cina includes some of the basic case information along with a phone number to call if you know of anything that could help the case.
While reading, it’s so obvious how much care Cina put into these poems. And with that care comes the transparent take on the grief and terror that are thick within each.
There are many poems that are filled with dread already, but then have a singular line that hits like a punch. This was certainly the case in I Cannot Call You.
Sections of poems feature the fear of loss and death, the missing, and the unknown. I was shocked to see how many names I recognized. Granted, I listen to and read a lot of true crime. But still, with how well-known many of these cases seem to be, and how much attention they get, it’s so upsetting to know there still isn’t a resolution. My heart breaks for every single one of these people.
A handful of the poems that really struck me included –
Missing Person Poster –
This poem shows the grief as it extends toward the fear of forgetting. This passage was especially beautiful and tragic:
My fingertips out into the breeze, hoping to brush against your Hair, but you were not there and you are not here, and I am Forgetting to remember your scent, they are forgetting to Remember your name, so I will walk, and I will climb, and I will drive, so that your picture does not fade
I Am Walking, Someone Lurks –
Ah, this one displays the horror of the unknown male and how any seemingly everyday situation could turn into one of nightmares. This one gave me chills and made me feel like I was being watched.
The Things Of Childhood –
From the title, you can almost trick yourself into thinking this one won’t be so sad… but it’s gut-wrenching. The beauty mixed with terror here is intense.
A Young Woman Vanishes, The Police Can’t Find Her –
Ugh, the blend of hope and terror… This one covers the tragic nature of situations like this in such a raw way.
The Newspaper Bleeds –
This case breaks my heart and absolutely terrifies me every time I hear about it.
Not Enough Money to Find You –
Readers, many of these tales are heartbreaking…. But this one… You’re gonna need to have tissues handy.
Encased in Amber –
What a beautifully tragic title for this one! The case itself is heartbreaking but the layer of public comment on Amber alerts now is also heartbreaking. If only people would take a moment and review the alert to help rather than getting irritated.
My Favorite Passages from Into the Forest and all the Way Through –
They called you trusting, friendly and generous. Is that What happened on the day your sister dropped you off? Was your Kindness smothered in cruelty?
— Four Corners
Now those three children know the way of Questions, and the emptiness of answers, and The disappointment that when the doorbell Rings or when the phone vibrates in their hand It is never their mother.
— Questions Are Not Answers
no young Girl should be rewarded with terror in search of adventure
— You Are Not Looking, I Am Right Here
Many questions, but if the questions Are all answered they cannot profit From your murder.
— Fields Solve Nothing
I want to comb Your hair, your beautiful hair, I Can only imagine it was smooth As a spider web, but only those Insects know where your face is Now, as that was missing when They found, you there.
— Doe-Eyed
there was so much Planned for you and you planned, but someone else plotted To capture you, a living, pinned butterfly, brightly colored and Fluttering beneath a hold.
— Belle at the Ball
and it’s Time to scream her name Into the universe so that Her blood may vibrate With the knowing of Your longing for her to Just walk in through that Front door.
— A Woman of Color Has Gone Missing, in Three Parts
My Final Thoughts on Into the Forest and all the Way Through –
While many true crime fans would be quick to pick up this collection, this is a read that I would recommend to a much wider audience. If you are a reader that can handle the darkness, this is an important read. Hopefully one day, Cina will be able to add an afterword with an update on the closure of these cases. <3
Thanks for reading!
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