This was an exciting email to receive! Thanks so much, Reedsy! To check out the full list, click here!
Reedsy Top Book Reviewer Awards
The Sunshine Blogger Award
Shout out to JJ of This Dark Material for nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Award! I’m so excited to be taking part in this and I absolutely loved all of her questions! Let’s dive in! The Sunshine Blogger Award The Rules: Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog….
Unique Book Blogger Award
Shout out to Anna Reeves of Coffee, Tea, and Books for nominating me for the Unique Book Blogger Award! I’m so excited to be taking part in this. Let’s dive in! Unique Book Blogger Award The Rules: Share the link of the blogger who nominated you. Answer the questions provided by the blogger who nominated you….
The Blogger Recognition Award
First things first, I’d like to thank Deanna of Deanna Reads Books for nominating me for this Blogger Recognition Award! I appreciate it so much 🙂 Second, readers, please make sure to go check out her blog! It’s wonderfully organized, she’s a great writer, and her color scheme is so lovely! Now let’s dive into it!…
The Mystery Blogger Award
Thank you so much to Amy @ A Magical World of Words for nominating me for The Mystery Blogger Award! The original post can be found at Okoto Enigma’s Blog. Let’s dive in! The rules: Put the award logo/image on your blog List the rules. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog….
Liebster Awards 2017
Many thanks to Joyce at The Paperback Princess, Evelina at Avalinah’s Books, and El at Exclusory for nominating me this year! Please take a minute to check out their lovely blogs when you have time. Haven’t heard about the Liebster Awards? No worries, neither had I until Joyce first tagged me! Apparently my computer hasn’t either! “Liebster” keeps getting…