Phew, what a year! Considering I spent the majority of the year in major pain and illness due to pregnancy, I still had such an amazing 2023. I got to spend a lot of virtual time with bookish friends and even a bit of in-person time! And oh my gosh… the number of signed books I acquired is out of this world! I even had the honor of having a book dedicated to me and I still can’t believe it!
Annual Highlights
2023 Highlights
My Favorite Books That I Read In 2022 | A List
Check out my list of my favorite books that I read In 2022, broken up by reads published in 2022 and backlist reads!
My 2022 Reading Stats
My 2021 Reading Stats featuring the genres I read from, books completed per month, percentage by publisher, and much more!
My Favorite Book Quotes from 2022
I had a ton of favorite quotes from the books that I read in 2022. Check them all out in this feature post!
2022 Highlights
2022 Highlights from Erica Robyn Reads featuring bookish events, signed book copies, interviews, and much more!
My Sixth Year Blogiversary!
Phew, year six already?! I’m so grateful to still be running this little blog and reading amazing books! 2022 brought quite the year of learning, but I can confidently say I’m closing out the year happy about how far things have come in the last 365 days! Let’s dive in!