Sleep Tight by J.H. Markert is a chilling narrative filled with unexpected twists and harrowing turns. At its core lies the abduction of innocent children, beginning a desperate race against time to locate them before the unthinkable occurs.
Sleep Tight by J.H. Markert | Book Review
Into the Darkness: Stories Volume 1 by Steve Stred | Book Review
Into the Darkness: Stories Volume 1 by Steve Stred is a killer collection of dark tales that will rip your heart right out and stomp on it, leaving you feeling hollow.
We All Live in a Fascist Police State Now, Thanks to This One Fucking Guy by Stephen Kozeniewski | Book Review
We All Live in a Fascist Police State Now, Thanks to This One Fucking Guy by Stephen Kozeniewski is a foreboding tale where the threat of being “pillowcased” lies in wait for those that make the smallest misstep or cross the wrong person.
Crime Scene by Cynthia Pelayo | Book Review
Crime Scene by Cynthia Pelayo is a gut-punch epic poem of murder, grief, and the determination to solve cases so those lost do not go forgotten.
October Screams: A Halloween Anthology | Book Review
October Screams: A Halloween Anthology edited by Kenneth W. Cain is jam-packed with twenty-seven amazing tales of Halloween horror! Each one is bite-sized just like the candies you’d get while trick or treating! Just be warned, some candies are sweet, some are sour, and some may just be hiding something else inside…
Disasterpieces by Wesley Southard and Wile E. Young | Book Review
Disasterpieces is a novella that houses two dark and horrific tales from Wesley Southard and Wile E. Young that will have you holding your breath, nervous to see what will come next.