Into the Darkness: Stories Volume 1 by Steve Stred is a killer collection of dark tales that will rip your heart right out and stomp on it, leaving you feeling hollow.
Content Warnings: Child death, suicide
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Into the Darkness: Stories Volume 1 by Steve Stred –
I’m obsessed with Steve Stred’s work! When I heard about these two collections, I snagged them immediately. I’m so excited I finally got around to reading this one! While the subject matter in many of the tales is very dark and I had a difficult time reading now as a parent, I still loved this collection.
My favorites from the collection include the following:
- The Dare
- The Bleeder
- Out of Gas
- Eric, in a Small Town
- Every Town Has That House
Per usual, here are my thoughts on each tale!
Foreword –
In the foreword, Steve notes that these collections include most of his published short stories. I was so pumped to hear this! In the very next paragraph, he states, “The reason I’m releasing these two volumes is two-fold. The first is that I know I have some people who dig my work, who simply can’t afford to buy every anthology I’m in. Those people, those completionists, deserve to be able to collect my work and enjoy it when they can.” How amazing is that?! As a reader who tries my best to read everything from my favorite authors, I’m obsessed with this! (You’ll have to read the book for the second reason!)
Snow on a Clear Night –
Oh, kicking things off with a stab right to the heart. This story is beautiful and heartbreaking. What good friends, but what a tragic situation.
A Broken Man –
After an apocalyptic event, this man is forced to make a horrific deal to try to save most of his family. But things only get worse…
Gosh, this one makes me so sick to my stomach. Kicking the tale off with a brutal gut punch, things don’t get much better from there. I first experienced this tale in The Horror Collection: Nightmare Edition presented by KJK Publishing and it hits just as hard, if not harder, the second time around.
A Warrior’s Call –
Another heartbreaking brutal situation! While super short, this one will still haunt readers.
Alone –
Finding himself in a strange forest, this man slowly realizes why he is there.
This poor man! I was so nervous to see where we were going with this one but with each description of the trees he passed, I knew readers were going to get a dark answer.
Flayed Flesh –
Traveling to visit the catacombs, this man is prepared to do anything for the story.
I loved that this one has little hints of darkness, but that last sentence changes the whole vibe.
Do You Remember? –
After the death of his mother, this young man decides to build a cabin in the woods for escape. Once his father decides to disown him, he lives there full time, only going to town when absolutely necessary. One day on a trip to town, he realizes the world had changed while he was in isolation.
Such a tragic, slow-burning tale. The very last line throws in one more punch of sadness.
Pumpkin Kicker –
A brutal tale! This type of story is so fun. Because it’s so quick it leaves so many fun questions!
Grave Digger –
Digging up graves is their job. They’re thrilled to do this job because of the money they’ll get. But little do they know, things are not going to go as smoothly as their previous jobs.
A super quick tale with a “wait, what?!” ending! I love it!
The Dare –
Oh my gosh! Love this quick zombie tale!
The Bleeder –
Realizing he’s bleeding, this man tries to ignore it. But the wound gets bigger and bigger until he can’t ignore it anymore. But that’s not the most terrifying bit!
This tale is so scary! I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve looked at a part of my body and noticed I was bleeding… Now this story is going to come to mind and freak me out every time that happens.
Out of Gas –
Yikes! Short and so spooky!!
The Screams –
Ah, don’t let them in!!
This tale is a terrifying snapshot of a zombie-filled world!
The New Girl –
This kid just wants to be friends with the new girl, but she tries to warn him off. He’ll soon learn why!
A classic tale of letting your curiosity get the best of you.
A Discovery –
Stuck within caves of ice, these men are dropping like flies. Will anyone make it out alive?
Chilling to say the least! This one had me reaching for a blanket to stay warm!
Eric, in a Small Town –
When three people are found dead in a small town, it’s not long before people suspect Eric. But was he really to blame?
THAT ENDING!! Perfection.
Every Town Has That House –
A child living a sad and dreary life just wants to be like all the other kids, but something is wrong.
Ugh, this tale is heartbreaking!
Salvation –
A spooky horror sci-fi tale! Ah, this one left me with so many questions!
Tradition –
A man determined to have the best Christmas knows that he must have the best Christmas tree. Finding out about an amazing place in the woods, which just so happens to be near a spa, the man convinces his reluctant family to go with him. But their family tradition isn’t the only tradition being carried out that weekend.
I read this one before in The Best of Indie Horror: Christmas Edition by KJK Publishing. It was just as exciting and then terrifying the second time around!
Won’t You Open the Door? –
When his brother is killed, this man and his father go to bury him but find that he is cursed and hurry away. Unfortunately, the curse didn’t stop there… it was coming for each of them.
Oh my gosh, the opening scene is so chilling. I have thought about this so many times since I first encountered this tale in The Horror Collection: Silver Edition by KJK Publishing. Reading it a second time was just as spooky! Ugh, the description Steve uses here puts you right in the story.
On the Mountain –
After beings from space arrived, the world changed. Forced to adapt, the surviving beings hide away to avoid being detected. But the drones aren’t the only thing they should fear…
Such an intense and sad cosmic horror! I so want more from this world!
My Favorite Passages from Into the Darkness: Stories Volume 1 –
He took her hand and led her outside, feeling the crisp bite of the air that only October weather can bring. The feeling of snow in the not-so-distant future made for crunchier leaves and greyer clouds. It was the seasonal change that hurried the elderly to warmer climates and the young to dream of costumes and candy, chased by snow forts and Santa.
— Snow on a Clear Night
A cedar tree swayed with the breeze, it’s resemblance to a larger man with a sliced open throat almost too much for Bill to take. The branches and bark of the next tree painting a picture of a woman who’d been burned alive. Each step bringing him beside a horror story he’d never wished to have read.
— Alone
The town had nothing left for me. My mouth tasted bitter when I inhaled the air, the scent of the past filling my nostrils. I hated every street corner, every shop.
— Do You Remember?
Every town has that house.
You know the one.
— Every Town Has That House
“To answer your question, I don’t believe in demons or witches. Look at the foolishness over in Salem. But, I do believe in evil as a power. I can’t fully rationalize it and say why, just that I firmly believe a person can harness it and do bad with it. I think this is one of those times.”
— Won’t You Open The Door?
I turned and fled, hoping my feet could keep up to how fast my brain begged me to run.
— On The Mountain
My Final Thoughts on Into the Darkness: Stories Volume 1 –
Into the Darkness: Stories Volume 1 is a must-read for fans of dark and upsetting horror!
Thanks for reading!
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