Goodnight Krampus is a wonderful story about Santa saying goodnight to everyone, but when he get to Krampus, little Krampus is too excited to go to sleep!
Children's Books
[Children’s Book Review] Goodnight Krampus
[Children’s Book Review] Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman, illustrated by S.D. Schindler
Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman, illustrated by S.D. Schindler is another of my all time favorite halloween reads from my childhood! When I heard that there was also a song version of the book, I just had to give it a reread and a listen! Let’s dive in!
[Children’s Book Review] In The Haunted House
In The Haunted House is such a fun and spooky story with absolutely wonderful illustrations! Rereading this one transported me right back to my childhood! This was one of my all time favorite Halloween reads as a kid. While on my kick of reading children’s books this season, I just had to request this one…
[Children’s Book Review] Goodnight Goon by Michael Rex
Goodnight Goon by Michael Rex is a wonderful parody of the beloved Goodnight Moon, but of course… with an amazingly spooky twist! I checked a copy of this one out from my local library. When I picked it up, it was clear that the book had been through many hands! Let’s dive in!