Sacrament by Steve Stred is the third installment in the extreme horror trilogy, Father of Lies. This time, we follow the subject expert, Bianchi, who knew more about this case than he let on previously. This is the third book in the trilogy that I had originally picked up as part of Rick’s Read Along….
Ricks Read Along
[Novella Review] Sacrament by Steve Stred
[Novella Review] Communion by Steve Stred
Communion by Steve Stred is the second installment in the extreme horror trilogy, Father of Lies. This time, we follow the detective, McKay, the man that was called in at the end of book one, as he learns more about this brutal case. I also picked this one up as part of Rick’s Read Along….
[Novella Review] Ritual by Steve Stred
Ritual by Steve Stred is a tale of extreme horror and blind faith, centered around a man being groomed to be the chosen one for his community. I picked this one up as part of Rick’s Read Along, and phew! While I’m glad Rick put this on my radar, I also blame him for my…
[Book Review] Cruel Works of Nature by Gemma Amor
Cruel Works of Nature by Gemma Amor is a haunting collection of 11 illustrated horror novellas. While absolutely terrifying, each of these tales were connected by the element of grief. This is a must read for horror novella fans! Let’s dive in!