The Idiots’ Club by Tony Moyle is a tale of dares, revenge, and friendship. Centered around an unlikely group of friends that joined forces at university, this is a tale that will completely suck you in as you wait anxiously to see if they can complete the dares on time. Full disclosure: I was given…
[Book Review] The Idiots’ Club by Tony Moyle
[Book Review] Last of the Mountain Men by Tony Moyle
Last of the Mountain Men by Tony Moyle is the second hilarious and exciting novel in the Ally Oldfield Series. This book had me laughing out loud! If you missed my review of the first book, The End of the World is Nigh, feel free to check that out! Full Disclosure: I received an early…
[Book Review] Laughing at Shadows edited by Brett Reistroffer
Laughing at Shadows edited by Brett Reistroffer is such a great collection of tales that mix horror and dark humor perfectly. From the silly to the downright horrific, this book has quite the range! This book comes out on March 2nd, 2020. It’s one you will definitely want to keep an eye out for! Full…
[Book Review] Cubicleland by Rook Winters
Cubicleland by Rook Winters is a hilarious and genuine tale about office politics, friendship, secrets, doughnuts, tachos, beer, and other real-world elements that go along with working in the tech industry. I was given a copy of this book ages ago from Mr Rook Winters, and I am so thrilled that I finally had time to…
[Novella Review] Flying Broomsticks and Buns by L.M. Schukraft
Flying Broomsticks and Buns by L.M. Schukraft is a novella that was released on Halloween… While the demons may have been up to a few tricks, this read was an absolute treat! Oh my goodness. When I first saw L.M. Schukraft post about how she was creating a novella for Halloween, I could not wait to…
[Book Review] Gmorning, Gnight!: Little Pep Talks for Me & You
Gmorning, Gnight!: Little Pep Talks for Me & You by Lin-Manuel Miranda, illustrated by Jonny Sun is an absolutely delightful collection! This is a book that you could sit and cruise through in a just short time, or pick it up to read one page every now and then spread them out. No matter how…