2022 was an AMAZING reading year for me! I always love seeing how my stats break out each year, and this year had really some fun data!
If you’re a fan of analytics like me, I hope you’ll love this!
Let’s dive in!
My 2022 Book Survey

My genre percentage when it comes to horror is holding pretty steady, coming in this year at 84.3%! My other genres were limited this year as I really zeroed in on my horror to-read pile.
To make this chart a little more interesting, for 2023, I am going to track sub-genres as well.

My Format stats this year were pretty scattered, but ebook is still the largest percentage that I read from. While I do love my Kindle, I need to make sure I’m switching off between ebooks and physical in 2023 to prevent reading burnout.
From these stats, I was very excited to see what percentages ARC’s were! I’m still quite behind on my list, but should be able to get caught up in 2023, finally!

Dang, just look at all of those novels and novellas, 44% and 39% respectively! I love the Length charts so much. Of course, most of what I read was in the 100 – 199 page range.

There were SO many amazing books that came out in 2022! I’m so excited that I was able to read many of the ones I had been looking forward to, while still getting to some of my backlog. This Year Published chart reflects that wonderfully. I feel like I should go ahead and delete some of those early decades.
In 2023, my goal is to read a lot of what I own but haven’t yet read, but there are an amazing number of books publishing in 2023 that I can’t wait to read… So I’m super curious to see how this chart displays next year!

Look at all of those 5 star reads! I’m so excited that I have been able to keep up with my personal preference of DNFing books if I’m not loving them. Even those two books that I rated 2 stars were books I would absolutely still recommend to other readers, they just weren’t really my cup of tea.
But that being said… I just lucked out and picked up really good books this year. I only ended up DNFing a few:

I started 2022 out very strong with my reading, having read 13 books in January. The month in which I read the most was May, coming in with 14 books! That’s absolutely wild to see!

I love seeing this Location chart! I will forever be impressed by the authors and publishers that sell books directly! While I am not at all pleased with that Amazon percentage, I am happy that I was able to cut this stat in half compared to 2021! I know that this year, my Amazon purchased continued to be ebooks that I couldn’t find anywhere else. I would love to see that drop by half again in 2023 not that more and more publishers and authors are offering up ebooks directly from their websites!

The Publisher chart! Always the most colorful, this is the one I look forward to the most. I read from 51 different publishers in 2021! And for the self publishing folks, I read from 17 different authors!

Not a surprise here at all with the number of books I acquired in 2022, 92.5% was Horror followed by 4.6% Mystery.

As for my Acquisition Format, the vast majority is physical books! I can definitely thank the Merrimack Valley Book Fest for that (see below). Now to make a bigger dent in reading all of those books in 2023!

Closely related to the one above, I also track where each book came from. In 2022, I bought a TON of books, heavily outweighing the books I was gifted or given for review.

But as for where my money all went, the vast majority of it went directly to the authors (47.6%) or publishers (15.1%)! I’ve got the bookstores and book subscriptions that I purchased from in the chart as well. Amazon is at 7.2% for the year, and as always, I’d like to see that decrease in 2023.
Thanks for reading!
What stats do you track year over year?
If you’ve created a post like this, I would love to take a look! Feel free to add your links below!
Wowza you really love horror🗡🤣
I don’t track anything, but I love seeing what other people track because it’s fun. Well, I guess I track LGBT+ books on Goodreads but that’s it.