Today, I am so excited to be working with Katherine Silva to celebrate the cover reveal of The Wild Fall!
Let’s dive right in!
Celebrating the Cover Reveal for The Wild Fall by Katherine Silva
Katherine is a Mainer and author of amazing dark fiction. She is also a connoisseur of coffee, and victim of cat shenanigans. She is a two-time Maine Literary Award finalist for speculative fiction and a member of the Horror Writers of Maine, The Horror Writers Association, and New England Horror Writers Association!
You may recognize her name from any of the 13 books and anthologies she has written or been a part of.
The Wild Fall, the book we’re all here today to celebrate, is the second book in The Wild Oblivion series, but the 5th in The Wild Oblivion universe. The first book, of course, was titled The Wild Dark. Other novellas in the universe include Hallowed Oblivion, Orchards, and Dan and Andy’s Scary-oke Holiday.
If you haven’t yet, there’s still plenty of time to read through the collection to prepare for the launch of The Wild Fall!
Synopsis of The Wild Fall by Katherine Silva
It has been ten years since the Merging, since the Woods began taking over the world, since ghosts returned to haunt their loved ones. Liz Raleigh has hidden in the New England wilderness with Hank, his daughter, Evie, and their small group, trying to eke out a small but normal life. Though Liz longs to forget the time she spent attached to her best friend and lover, Brody’s ghost, she finds herself pursued by a shadow of his former self and dreams of a life they could have lived together had he not died.
The Woods and the wolves that live inside them continue to threaten the group’s existence, looming closer every day. Liz feels drawn to them, to the feeling that deep inside the trees is a way to end the reign the Woods have over the world. What’s worse is that they seem different inside, darker and emptier than when she visited them years before.
Hope comes in the discovery of a self-sustained community, Onyx River: a place run by wind and solar power where other colonies have supposedly fled to with the opportunity to live life the way they used to. Upon arrival, however, they find the place abandoned and, after tragedy strikes, they realize this place might not be as promising as they once believed.
Both Liz and Evie will face not only their worst fears but the ones they couldn’t even imagine were lurking in the woodland oblivion.
And now, without further ado…
The Cover Reveal of The Wild Fall by Katherine Silva

I am absolutely obsessed with the bright yellow on the right, paired with the darker colors on the left, separated by the silhouette of a tree line.
The eyes of the woman on the left, and the eyes of the wolf on the right are so spooky when laid out side by side. I have to admit, I didn’t even see the wolf for a minute as I was so focused on the other elements on the left, such as the silhouette of the person toward the bottom.
Once I saw the wolf though, I couldn’t look away for a minute!
What a cover!
Thanks for reading!
I’d love to hear your thoughts! What do you think of this new cover? If you’ve read any of the books in the series, I’d love to hear what you think about those as well!
And major thanks to Katherine for allowing me to help celebrate this big reveal! I cannot wait for this book to officially launch on August 3rd, 2023! Make sure to snag your preorder today.
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