My goodness, my blogiversary just totally blew past me this year! But hey, better to celebrate late than never, ya? So let’s pretend it’s December 28th, 2023 for a moment.
About Me
My Seventh Year Blogiversary!
My Goals for 2022
With how crazy 2020 leading into 2021 was, I skipped outlining new goals last year and just carried over the old ones. This year, I wanted to take the time to outline some light goals that I have for the new year. So how did I do over the last two years, and what am…
My Third Year Blogiversary!
Another year of book blogging and my goodness, what a year it was! I feel like I’m finally getting more organized and really nailing down a process that works well for me so I don’t get too overwhelmed. If you missed my other blogiversary posts, feel free to take a peek at them below: Year…
My Goals for 2020
Goals are so important to me. However, I have to admit that I tend to overdo it when listing out my goals for the year… This time, I’ve toned it back a bit! Let’s dive in to take a look at my 2019 goals and how I did, as well as what I hope to…
A Personal Favor…
Hey all! I have a personal favor to ask this morning. If you feel comfortable with it, could you help me spread the word about the GoFundMe Campaign that my family created for my mom? Just sharing it to your social media accounts can help us out immensely! Here’s the URL: The campaign is…
Reedsy Top Book Reviewer Awards
This was an exciting email to receive! Thanks so much, Reedsy! To check out the full list, click here!