The Fall by Alan Baxter is the incredible follow up to The Gulp, and in this collection of five new tales, the twisted web drawing the town further and further into chaos is getting stickier!
Full disclosure: I was given a free copy of this book from the author per request of an honest review. This did not affect my rating in any way.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on The Fall by Alan Baxter
My goodness I love this town Alan Baxter has created! Just like the first book, each story here is interconnected to others. In a true small town fashion, everybody knows everybody’s business, but this town is connected by more than just the grapevine.
Unsettling right from the start, each tale really brings its own terror to the collection, pulling readers in even deeper.
Per usual, here are my notes on each tale.
Gulpepper Curios –
When a man out on an adventure after a divorce and his retirement stumbles across a road that is clearly one that is less traveled, he can’t help but feed his curiosity and take it. But this fork in the road isn’t the last choice he’s to be presented with.
This tale brings readers back into The Gulp in a brilliant way! Describing the scenery and the town while driving in, all the local hot spots, and even some of the key locals! And then before we know it, the story takes a turn that shows us all is certainly not well here.
Will people ever learn? Fortune tellers are a no go!
Cathedral Stack –
A crew on a fishing boat is out trying to get a big enough haul in before it storms, but on the way, they become the prey and end up stranded on the haunted rocks.
When this story started out so heartwarming, I should have known better. Of course all wasn’t going to go smoothly so these two could get their date!
What an absolute nightmare this one was! Yikes! I need a comic/illustrated version of this one asap please!
That Damn Woman –
When an argument takes an unfortunate turn, this poor man is forever changed.
This tale just gets more and more dark and creepy the longer it goes on! What a wild ride of emotion!
Excursion Troop –
Heading out for one last excursion together, this troop jokes around but they’re all feeling a bit sad for the upcoming change. Little do they know, there’s a change that’s going to hit them much faster!
As a kid, I spent a lot of time in the woods alone. Now? You couldn’t pay me to be out there alone! This story was so unsettling. I was worried about this crew but I had no idea what was coming next.
The Fall –
When things in The Gulp really start to get crazy, much crazier than usual, this crew try their best to fight back before it was too late.
This one was such a rush! So much happens and it’s certainly going to leave readers feeling a lot of emotions! This was the perfect story to end on… for now.
My Favorite Passages from The Fall
” … Something you need to realise, Mr McDermott, especially around The Gulp, is that just because you can ask a question about something doesn’t mean there’s an answer to be found.”
“The Gulpepper motto: Best not to think too hard about it.”
Blood looks black at night…
My Final Thoughts on The Fall
Horror readers, this is another book by Mr. Baxter that you cannot miss. Go preorder your copy today and get ready to roll back into the bizarre town known as The Gulp! Just be careful you don’t stay too long…
Seriously liking this cover. That its a collection of short stories … Hmm! Not a big fan but then several of these stories have captured my imagination.