Secret Santa by Andrew Shaffer is a twisted tale about the dark secrets that are being covered up in a failing publishing house.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Secret Santa by Andrew Shaffer
When our main character, Lussi Meyer, arrives to the dark and spooky building for an interview, she is hoping this goes well as she’s on her last lets. But she’s immediately put off when the man interviewing her dismisses her without asking any questions. As she goes to leave the office, her temper flares and she ends up tripping and catching herself on a bookshelf, knocking free a very creepy doll.
But of course, this isn’t just any doll. From there, the story takes off and my gosh…
This author created a very eerie atmosphere early on that set the tone for the rest of the read for me. It felt a bit like watching a movie with a lot of dark scenes during the day time, where everything was a bit hard to make out, but you still strained to see into the shadows as you anxiously awaited a jump scare.
On top of that, I also really enjoyed the fact that I could never quite pinpoint a single one of the characters. I really wanted to trust them and see things work out. One second I would think that a specific person was all right, but the next, they were pulling a gun or drugging someone!
This story had many twists and turns and I had so much fun as I kept trying to guess what was going to happen next. Of course, I was never correct!
My Final Thoughts on Secret Santa
If you’re looking for a spooky tale set in an office around Christmas that will keep you on your toes, then this is the book for you!
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Thanks for reading!
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum says
This one sounds like a lot of fun! Christmas might be over now, but I still can’t wait to read it.
Erica Robyn says
Woot!! Enjoy!! 🙂
ShootingStarsMag says
Love a mystery with lots of twists and turns. This does sound good!
Erica Robyn says
I’m still thinking about it!! It was such a neat story. I would love to see this one on Creepshow or something! 🙂