You Only Get One Shot by Kevin J. Kennedy & J.C. Michael, narrated by Steve White, is a tale that is just jam-packed with terrors and creativity, all pressed under the weight of a terrifying deadline!
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on You Only Get One Shot by Kevin J. Kennedy & J.C. Michael, narrated by Steve White
The game is simple. Write the best story out of the four writers that have been challenged or die.
When four writers received the email, they each rush to get their stories posted. Three are fearful, one thinks it will be fun, but all of them are in serious danger.
I had previously read this novella back in 2018 and it was an absolute trip to revisit the stories in the audio version. Right from the start, I settled right back in and couldn’t wait to relive the tales.
Here are my notes on each section of the novella!
Fiona’s Story –
Fiona is terrified of the email when she receives it. She rushes to write a story about a girl that is captured, but one that can fend for herself! She has a great blend of terror and the supernatural, fast pacing, and vivid action scenes!
Fiona is the first to submit her story online. Worried about her friend Diane, who was also one of the four on the email thread, she immediately tries to get in touch with her.
Diane’s Story-
Diane sees the messages from Fiona and the two finally get in touch. Not sure what to think, but nervous nonetheless, Diane is happy that she has a short story almost drafted that she can expand upon.
She soon posts her tale of a man that loses his wife to a very traumatic birth of a child that is immediately killed. After their deaths, the man learns what his wife had been working on…. Now he’s in charge of the clean-up before more zombies are created.
Diane’s tale was brutal and fast-paced! It was one that makes you question humanity and all its secrets.
Drexel’s Story –
A man who is a bit rough around the edges gets the messages from the women. But unlike them, he thinks this little game will be fun!
He writes up a tale filled with depravity that’s fitting for his personality. His story will have you so sick to your stomach to see what the main character does all in the name of science!
Simon’s Story –
Simon, who has been working late hours, returns home to see the email. Diving right into a story as the deadline was quickly approaching, he writes a brutal tale of a man and woman killing specific people to avenge their son. Though after they complete their mission, they realize there is more to do.
I LOVED Simon’s story. I would love a full tale here that expands on what happened before and after this short story occurs.
Side note:
I just had to go back to see what I thought of each tale in my previous review. Turns out that in 2018, I also chose Simon’s tale as my favorite! I noted: “Simon– His story was titled “The Summoned.” I really enjoyed this one! It was dark and violent, and I loved how it ended! I would happily read a whole book based on this one! 5 out of 5!“
The Aftermath –
Three weeks later the authors think they’ve made it through and that the email was just a joke.
But they shouldn’t have let their guard down just yet…
My Final Thoughts on You Only Get One Shot
A super compelling story that will have you on the edge of your seat! Not only is the overall storyline terrifying, but the stories within the story also hold many terrors! Even though I had already experienced this read once and remembered the majority of it, I still couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next!
This is a must-read for horror fans, but especially horror writers!
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You Only Get One Shot by Kevin J. Kennedy & J.C. Michael is a fast-paced horror novella filled with violence and suspense, sprinkled with the paranormal and other bizarre elements. Of course, I really enjoyed it!! And phew, what an interesting plot!
Thanks for reading!
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