I originally saw this tag on Confessions of a Serial Reader! I haven’t been tagged (as far as I am aware of), but I just couldn’t wait to dive in! This is such a fun tag originally created by Jenniely.
Here are the rules:
- Tag & link the person who tagged you
- Tag and link the original creator, Jenniely
- Tick/cross off the ones youโve done
- Tag another 10 people!
- If youโve not been tagged, go ahead and do it anyway!
The Naughty or Nice Book Tag
Received an ARC and not reviewed it- Naughty
Unfortunately I have received a few ARCs that I didn’t finish reading and therefore did not review. With these books, I just could not get into them for one reason or another. If I’m reading an honest review and feel that my rating will be less than three stars, I will DNF the book rather than giving it a negative review.
Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley- Nice
My current feedback rating is 100% on Netgalley.
Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)- Nice
I will only post “Review to come soon!” when it’s an ARC that the publisher or author requested that I post on a certain date, and since someone is waiting on me to update that, I always make sure to go back and add my text.
Folded down the page of a book- Naughty
I will fold down the very edge of a corner of books I own when I want to mark my favorite quote or passage. I would never fold down the corner of a library book or one I am borrowing of course!
Accidentally spilled on a book- Naughty
Ugh… I’ve spilled tea on books far too many times.
DNFed a book this year- Nice
Oh yes. I’m marking this one as nice because it was something that I never used to do and it drove me crazy. I used to force myself through books I wasn’t enjoying and life is just too short to read books you don’t like!
Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it- Nice
Nope, not yet anyway! I only buy books that I want to read.
Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)- Nice
Unfortunately my anxiety has never let me just relax and read when there is something else I should be doing instead.
Skim read a book- Naughty
Oh I’ve definitely skimmed books many times before. Usually when I’m bored with the story and want to see if it gets any better before I decide whether or not I will DNF.
Completely missed your Goodreads goal- Nice
Not yet!
Borrowed a book and not returned it- Nice
Broke a book buying ban- Naughty
Ha! Yup. However, I think book buying bans are a bit silly. I’ve been much better with my restrictions lately.
Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about- Nice
Not yet! Though there are books that read before I started writing reviews that I want to reread so I can write reviews for them.
Wrote in a book you were reading- Naughty
I highlight some books I own to mark my favorite passages and I’ve written in many textbooks.
Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads- Nice
I’m marking this one as nice out of technicality. I’ve only not added something to Goodreads when the book isn’t listed on the platform.
Am I Naughty or Nice?
Out of 15 questions, I had 9 nice and 6 naughty… so overall I’m pretty nice!
Thanks for reading!
If you haven’t been tagged, but would like to take part, consider yourself tagged!
Merry Christmas Eve!
Merry Christmas !!!
Merry Christmas! ๐
Fun tag! You are way more nice than I would be with these questions. Merry Christmas!
haha! ๐ Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! I agree, DNFing is a nice thing, no sense in wasting my time!
Merry Christmas to you as well! ๐
Iโm doing this tag on Thursday. Itโs a little late for Christmas, but it was fun, so whatever. I think DNFing is nice, too. Especially because I donโt review books that I DNF. Those books wonโt be getting a ranty 1-star review from me.
Aj @ Read All The Things!
I can't wait to read your answers!! ๐
I've embraced DNFing as well this year too. So freeing.
Merry Christmas!
<3 Merry Christmas to you as well!!
Yay for you not forcing yourself to finish books any more! I used to do that too, but now I just try to give them an honest chance – then I don't waste my time.
Hey Erica! Sorry it's been a long time! I was taking a break from blogging but I'm back now ๐
Belated Merry Christmas to you ๐ Love this tag! It seems so fun and ugh i know what you mean about DNFing books! It's so hard for me to DNF books but I'm slowly learning to. Happy holidays!
Absolutely no worries!! I hope you had a fun break!! ๐ Merry Christmas to you as well!
I've never seen the point of buying based on cover if you aren't going to read it-seems a bit silly to me! And I agree with you about DNFing. Sometimes it just needs to be done so we can move on to something better!