There Are Monsters Here by Cameron Chaney is not only a tale about monsters that live in the minds of a family, but a tale about these monsters when they come to life.
Let’s dive into my review!
My Thoughts on There Are Monsters Here by Cameron Chaney
The writing was wonderful. It was pretty unsettling but also quite beautiful. It was creepy where it needed to be creepy, it was raw and honest, and it really packed a punch.
The premise itself was so interesting! There was also a bit of ambiguity with this tale that leaves the readers wondering long after the tale ends.
There were a few tough subjects that came to life in these monsters; alcoholism, abuse, and depression. Each one affected the family member in its own dark way and each was very haunting.
My Favorite Passages from There Are Monsters Here
That’s the thing; nobody in my family can see anyone else’s monster but their own. It’s just the way it has always been.
No this isn’t the story of how I first saw my monster. This is the story of how I killed it.
I don’t know exactly, to be honest. Something just broke. It was like a tree, how it slowly grows more beautiful from summer to autumn, then finally wrings its skeletal hands of the leaves it once held close. I was one of those leaves, and I was falling to the ground with no one to catch me.
I had set my own shadow on fire and watched it burn. I was a lost boy no longer. I was free.
It was what it was. Something new was waiting for me, something good.
My Final Thoughts on There Are Monsters Here
I really enjoyed this read! It totally sucked me in and I couldn’t stop reading until I had reached the last sentence!
This is a read that I would recommend to a wide variety of readers! This is just one of those books that could fit into various genres; magical realism, slightly dark fantasy, light but unsettling horror, literary fiction… It even had a bit of a poetic feel.
If you enjoy quick novellas that pack a punch, this one is for you.
Snag a copy through your local bookstore or feel free to use my Amazon affiliate link:
Thanks for reading!
Have you given this one a read yet? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Also, did you know that Cameron has a booktube channel? Check it out here!
A bit creepy, a bit literary, a bit fantasy . . . I haven’t read it yet, but it sounds great.
I highly recommend it! It’s a perfect quick read for a rainy day!