When Painted With Deceit by Shana Frost is a heart-pumping tale of false hope, deceit, and murder mixed with our usual dose of cozy romance set in a small town.
When Painted With Deceit by Shana Frost | Book Review
Keep Your Friends Close by Lucinda Berry | Book Review
Keep Your Friends Close by Lucinda Berry is a tale of friendship, secrets, and the wild things people will do for love.
Mister Magic by Kiersten White | Book Review
Mister Magic by Kiersten White is a tale of magic, friendship, and darkness. If you enjoy slow-burning suspense novels with some awesome foreshadowing and a spotlight on childhood bonds, then this will be a hit for you!
Taboo in Four Colors by Tim McGregor | Book Review
Taboo in Four Colors by Tim McGregor is a tale of comic books, hidden love, and doing whatever needs to be done to keep secrets safe.
The Drift by C.J. Tudor | Book Review
The Drift by C.J. Tudor is an intense, claustrophobia-inducing tale set in a post-apocalyptic world that will chill you deeply.
[Book Review] See No Evil by J.P. Choquette
See No Evil by J.P. Choquette is a suspenseful tale set in a town where all treacherous paths lead back to the same culprit. But will our main character make it out of this twisted maze unscathed? Full disclosure: I was given a free copy of this book from the author per request of an…