Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw is a dark and twisted tale of friendship, secrets, and resentment that all comes to a head on location of an elopement at a haunted mansion.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw –
When this group of friends (who clearly have some rocky history with one another) prepare to enter an abandoned mansion, tension is already running high. On the property to celebrate the elopement of two of the friends, the group can’t wait to begin the celebrations. But as the story continues, some secrets begin to be whispered and blatant anger toward one another emerges.
Once they enter the house, it’s clear that they have not only irked one another, but they have already pissed off the ghost that dwells within as well.
And buckle up, because once you piss off the ghost, things can only get worse from there…
Right from the start, I wanted to shout to the main character to just leave. Of course, it wasn’t that simple. But seeing her add alcohol to the mix only made me more nervous for her. For a minute there, I wasn’t sure what was real and what was a result of the drinking.
But when the bloodshed began, I realized we were in for a very dark ride!
My Favorite Passages from Nothing But Blackened Teeth –
Enclosed in Talia’s ribs was an entire vocabulary of sighs, each one layered with delicate subtleties, every laboured exhalation unique in its etymology.
He glared at me then. And his eyes were cold, so cold your heart would freeze in that blue.
Distantly, the brain stem screeched, stress hormones wailing at my motor system, demanding I run, run now, escape into the sanctuary of multiplicity, disappear into the waiting herd, do anything so long as I remove myself from probable harm, anything just go, go now.
But my limbs would not concede to their urging.
Phillip crossed himself the wrong way three times before he looked over, eyes so wide that both irises were necklaced in white. Outside the room, through cracks in the walls and in the few places where the lantern-light would reach, I could see movement, subtle and swaying.
Any second now, something was going to snap, a neck or a temper or a spine.
This is the problem with horror movies:
Everyone knows what’s coming next but actions have momentum, every decision an equal and justified reaction. Just because you know you should, doesn’t mean that you can, stop.
Compassion, like everything else, can be worn dull by rough use.
My Final Thoughts on Nothing But Blackened Teeth –
This is a book that you could read cover to cover in one sitting, or go slow to really steep in the inky darkness. As I have zero self-control, I read right straight through. Phew. What a trip!
Thanks for reading!
This has been on my tbr for a minute. I need to finally pick it up.
It was interesting for sure! I wasn’t sure what to think when I first started it. It’s another that people seem to love or hate! haha