Killer Chronicles by Somer Canon is a tale that begins with a prologue about a very troublesome situation that will make your stomach churn. But it’s not long before we get a glimpse at a being that has been disturbed, and is now out looking for a meal.
Centered around two horrendous murders and a beautiful pond that is home to that being who really enjoys Nummy Nellie Stripey Cakes… We see everything play out from the perspective of a website writer that is determined to get to the bottom of what is going on.
Pick this one up on a day off! Once I started reading I couldn’t stop!
Content Warning: Mention of Pedophelia and sexual assault.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Killer Chronicles by Somer Canon
When we jump into the first chapter, we meet two friends from college (Christina and Anais) that have created a website called the Killer Chronicles. This website serves as a database of those that commit horrible acts. When a case arises just a six hour drive from them, one of the girls, Christina, heads out to get the scoop.
When she arrives in town, she meets with the original reporter that gives her a hard time at first, but then ends up giving Christina her source’s information. When Christina meets with that source, she is a bit dismayed to find that he is very attractive. As Christina tries to keep her head clear in order to do her work, she also finds that a little something extra on the side can’t hurt… or can it?
Christina is off on a path that she could have never predicted, in more ways than one. But just how far is she willing to stick it out in order to get her story?
My goodness. When this story first began, I was so pumped to learn more about their website! I’m definitely a fan of anything True Crime, so that drew me in immediately. I loved learning how these two were aware of how their website could be misconstrued, and how they wanted to keep it informational while also having empathy for the victims.
I was immediately drawn to the main character. I loved how quirky she was and how she was open about her anxiety right from the start in a way that totally normalized it rather than making it a big deal.
I also loved that the author grappled with the good and evil within people, and how sometimes that line is a bit blurred.
Like I said at the start, once I started reading this one, I was hooked! The writing flowed so wonderfully. The pacing as well as the sense of suspense and dread were perfect. I loved the characters so much and I needed to see what was going to happen next!
But that ending… I didn’t see that coming! This is an ending that I was hoping was going to go in another direction. I have to admit, it really made me mad that it didn’t turn out as I had hoped, but I LOVED it!
My Favorite Passages from Killer Chronicles
People are quick to blame something other than human wrath and madness on some of the horrors they themselves created.
Predictability is an anxious person’s favorite teddy bear.
If it didn’t storm every now and then, how could you really appreciate a sunny day?
My Final Thoughts on Killer Chronicles
This was such a fun read! The characters were what really drove the story for me as I wanted to see everything turn out okay for all of them. But don’t let the term “fun” confuse you.
This was also a dark, brutal, and bizarre read with a sprinkle of sex here and there. It certainly didn’t hold back any punches when describing the crime scenes or the violence!
I highly recommend checking this one out! While it was my first read from Somer Canon, I think it was a wonderful place to start and I will definitely be checking out more of her work very soon!
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Thanks for reading!
And thank you again to Somer Canon for sending me a signed copy after Corona Con!

This one sounds great!
I definitely recommend it!
SOLD! I need a copy asap. Great review my friend! Glad you are sharing all these new reads with us.
YAY!!! Enjoy!! 🙂 I would love to see what you think about this one! It was so so so good!
That sounds like a website that lots of us would be interested if it was real! You just know it is going to lead to trouble though!
Good and evil is such a simple, straightforward topic but then it has so much complexity to it too? And I will not ever get bored of reading books with a focus on that theme. I am glad you could enjoy the true crime website to it as well ^.^
<3 <3