Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer, where you answer a question and join a “hop”. The purpose is to help bloggers discover and get to know one another.
For this week’s Book Blogger Hop, Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer asks:
You’re spending a night in a haunted house. What book would you bring with you?

Oh gosh! What a great question!!
Do I want to choose something creepy and get extra scared, or pick something that will keep my mind off of things?
I love my horror reads… but I think I’d want something lighter to keep me from panicking. Especially if things start to get weird.
I’d have to go with my trusted favorite: Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton.
Thanks for reading!
Which book would you bring with you? I’d love to hear your answers!
I definitely wouldn’t pick anything that was scary, creepy, eerie, or mysterious – maybe a romance!
I’d probably bring a book by Kevin J. Kennedy. I’m so addicted to all those scary, creepy short stories!
Did you read 100-word horrors part 3 already? 🙂
YES, I have! It was SO good!!
I would probably bring whichever book I happen to be reading but I am trying to figure out why I would stay in a haunted house in the first place 🙂
HA! Trueeee! We need a background story here!
Yeah, I don’t think I’d go with spooky or scary. I’d probably need something that would make me laugh!
I liked your reasoning for this one and choosing one that is a favourite to distract you. I would choose the collected works of Shakespeare because it would distract me but it is also heavy enough to be a weapon if needed!
<3 GREAT pick!
I don’t think I’d want to read anything creepy! I’d probably go for something like Harry Potter! That’s as fluffy as I normally read! Jurassic Park-good choice!
Harry Potter is always a great choice!! 🙂