Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer, where you answer a question and join a “hop”. The purpose is to help bloggers discover and get to know one another.
For this week’s question, Elizabeth @ Silver’s Reviews asked:
Do you take notes about the book you are reading as you read?
My answer:
I do! I’ve always got a notes app on my phone going while I’m reading to track quotes I like and things I want to remember. I’ve found that it’s extremely helpful when going to write up a review later on.
Thanks for reading!
Do you use paper and pen or a specific app to track your notes? I’d love to hear about your process!
I don't do it as often as I like (or should). My reviews are always so much better when I take notes. If I'm on my Kindle, I'll highlight things right there. When I'm reading print and want to take notes I use pen and paper.
I LOVE being able to highlight on the Kindle! It's so handy!
I do because if I don't take review notes I know I am going to miss out on some key details. I used to use pen and paper all the time but now I switched to phone notes so it is easier to keep track of things when I travel!
My recent post:
I don't, but I need to start doing it! π
π I definitely recommend using post it notes! I use to many of the little flag ones to mark quotes!
I don't, but I feel like maybe I should start. Hope you have a great weekend. – Katie
Have a great weekend as well! π
I do not, but I have taken photos of quotes I like in a book to remember later.
I never took notes when I am reading a book I don't know why I don't because notes are very helpful for reviews but I just don't. lol Thank you so much for stopping by my bog hop my friend.
π Thank you for stopping by my blog as well!
I don't take notes, but I can see it would be useful come review time, especially if you are a slower reader. On average, I tend to finish a book in 2-4 days, so I don't have too much time to forget anything. π
I use sticky notes to mark places I want to remember; every once in awhile I will jot down notes for my review if there's something I really want to make sure I make a point of.
I love using sticky notes! π
I do take notes as I read. Nothing super in depth but I definitely make note of feelings during certain scenes or thoughts along the way. Definitely helpful when writing those reviews! π
For sure!!
A notes app is a great idea. I always have Post-it notes nearby.
I have a book journal for this purpose. I don't have a great memory and it can take me months to get the reviews posted so I need the notes! I write about plots, list the characters and anything interesting about them, funny quotes and overall thoughts. It doesn't help me write the reviews any quicker though!
haha I hear ya!!
I do take notes for library book club since it will be a discussion, or a book that I'm enjoying. I use to use sticky notes, now I just write directly in the book on the margins or highlight it.
π I love highlighting and flagging passages that I love!
For me, taking notes is too distracting.
I totally understand that! There's nothing worse than being pulled out of the story!
I should really try taking notes on my phone. I'm very much a paper/pencil kind of person, but I don't always have what I need on the go.
I don't, but I think I should because it's definitely helpful for remembering things you want to say in your review and for finding back favorite quotes and such!
I do take notes while I read. They're pretty bare bones, just enough to help me remember characters, etc. especially if I'm reading more than one book at a time.
I admire you for being so disciplined in taking notes as you read! I just don't have the patience, especially when reading fiction. I just want to get on with the story, lol. However, when reviewing a book, I keep it next to me to dip into as necessary while writing the review.
As I stated in my own post, I'm now thinking of keeping book journals in order to take notes when reading nonfiction.
Sorry for the very late comment back… I've been VERY busy with schoolwork of late! π
Thanks for sharing, and for commenting on my own BBH post! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! <3 π
π A book journal is a great idea!! And absolutely no worries! I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving as well!!
I also take notes! Although I just keep an email draft lol. It def helps with writing reviews!