The Clown: A Halloween Story by Kevin J. Kennedy weaves a story of teenage love intertwined with a bloodthirsty carnival, featuring scenes that are straight from the darkest of nightmares.
Theme Park/Carnival
The Clown: A Halloween Land Story by Kevin J. Kennedy | Book Review
Shrouded Horror: Tales of the Uncanny by K.C. Grifant | Book Review
Shrouded Horror: Tales of the Uncanny by K.C. Grifant is such a fun collection of stories! The tales are all over the place when it comes to plot elements, creating a thrilling reading experience where surprises abound, promising both spookiness and enjoyment at every turn!
Reanimated Rex by Alex Ebenstein | Book Review
Reanimated Rex by Alex Ebenstein is a tale of lightning, an abandoned theme park, dinosaurs, and the sheer terror of what may be lurking around the corner.
The Revenge of the Clowns by Caesar Ruell | Book Review
The Revenge of the Clowns by Caesar Ruell is a tale of twisted carnival horror filled with carnage and the most intense murders you’ll ever witness on the page. Get ready, because wherever these clowns go, terror follows as close as a shadow.
KJP Publishing Presents – The Horror Collection: Monster Edition
The Horror Collection: Monster Edition presented by KJK Publishing is a collection of chilling tales filled with monsters of all kinds! Get your nightlights ready; this collection will have you constantly on the lookout for something creeping just around the corner.
A to Z of Horror by Kevin J. Kennedy | Book Review
A to Z of Horror by Kevin J. Kennedy is a collection of horror tales that range from drabbles and poems to flash fiction and short stories, covering everything from humorous horror to extreme horror!