Getting the chance to meet the amazing Caitlin Marceau virtually on Dead Headspace was incredible. Caitlin is so fun and bubbly, and she writes the darkest of horror stories! I was blown away by the honesty and personal notes that were touched on during this episode.
Let’s dive in!
Caitlin Marceau on Dead Headspace – March 2023
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If you’re a horror fan and you haven’t read anything by Caitlin Marceau yet… you’re missing out! I had read and LOVED This Is Where We Talk Things Out so when I heard that we booked Caitlin, I couldn’t wait to meet her virtually!
To prepare for the show, I went on a readathon to consume as much of her work as possible. I was able to read Femina, A Blackness Absolute, and Magnum Opus. There are a few more that I was hoping to get to, but ran out of time. Even so, I can’t wait to read them soon!
We started off the session by asking the usual, what got you into horror? Caitlin’s answer here about going from hating horror to overcorrecting was so interesting! We also chatted about not being afraid to diversify your work by connecting with various publishers, why not to let rejections deter you, and so much more.
On more personal notes, there was a beautiful love fest between Caitlin and Candace! They also had a very open and honest conversation about a shared medical experience. I got up on my soapbox for a bit when we were talking about balance and listening to your body.
Just an all-around wild ride of an episode, but one that I would highly recommend listing to for some book news as well as some personal development and a lot of laughter!
Related Reading –
This is Where We Talk Things Out by Caitlin Marceau is a story that is like a slap to the face, but one that hits you over, and over, and over again.
Click here to check out my full review of This Is Where We Talk Things Out.
Thanks for reading!
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